Thursday, December 4, 2014

Double Your Exposure With Article Marketing

Double Your Exposure With Article Marketing!

There's no doubt that one of the best methods of traffic generation is article marketing. 
Even though over the past few years some directories have been hot with various hits from algorithms updates by search engines is still a very powerful way to generate traffic and links to your sites. 
The more articles you published, the more traffic you will get from your articles. 
The concept is quite simple, the key is finding popular directories.
 A good tip to bring traffic is to create controversy which is a great way to boost readership. 
Create arguments for or against a celebrity's actions or a particular company's products, depending on your niche. 

This helps you get more publicity since others will then link your personal blog. 
Be bold in your topic choice but avoid offending your target audience. 
It is always smart to stay generic online and not take sides to attract a wider audience. 
Post the articles you write on your site first, so you can get some SEO "juice" this way. 
This helps by giving you more traffic and better search engine rankings. 
The search engines are drawn to sites that are updated regularly so by posting your articles you are putting yourself in view of higher rankings on their algorithms and places like Google. 
A good tip is to make sure you include your bio information in the directories you use the most. Your profile will tell your readers that find your articles that you are a real person and also include a link to your site. This process makes it easy for all your readers to put a face and site with your content. 
Also make sure your articles don't sound like ads or promotions. Your readers want information, not a sales pitch, and are not likely to finish an article that lacks the info they are looking for. If your writing is interesting and informative, readers will return to read more of your articles and be more open to your recommendations. Article directories are designed to be used by people who simply want to share content and opinions for free in exchange for traffic and link juice. 
The more quality content you have available out there the better your results will be in the search engines. In the end is about driving targeted traffic and generating more sales through your articles. 

Thank you 
Nathan Hawes AKA Affhawes13
And Erykka Glasow

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